This article is more than 1 year old

Loved one just died? Pah, that's nothing

Imagine the trauma of smartphone 'time-to-content delay'

It's said that the most stressful situations a human being can suffer are the death of a loved one, divorce, moving house, a major illness and losing your job.

We might add to that living in Syria and, if mobe outfit Ericsson is to be believed, enduring a "time-to-content delay" when attempting to eyeball a vid on your phone.

Yes indeed, according to the "Ericsson Mobility Report" - in which "neuroscience technology was used to objectively measure emotional responses to varied smartphone experiences" - tardy loading of "web pages and videos under time pressure caused mobile users' heart rates to rise an average of 38 per cent".

Ericsson elaborates: "Six-second delays to video streaming caused stress levels to increase by a third. To put that in context, the stress incurred is equivalent to the anxiety of taking a math[s] test or watching a horror movie alone, and greater than the stress experienced by standing at the edge of a virtual cliff. Once a video begins, an additional pause can cause stress levels to increase dramatically."

In case you're having trouble visualising just how traumatic delayed content is, here's a handy graph:

Ericsson graph showing stress level of various activities, including suffering a content delay on your smartphone

The upshot of all this is, according to Ericsson's department of the bleedin' obvious, is that "the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of an operator increased significantly when associated with a delay-free experience". That's to say, mobe customers prefer stuff to load with alacrity rather than not, the better to avoid terrifying levels of stress. ®

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