This article is more than 1 year old

Wal-Mart punts industrial strength feminine deodorant

Canada - where men are men, and so are the women

There's an old saying* that Canada's a country where men are men - and so are the women. For proof, look no further than the local Wal-Mart tentacle, which demonstrates just how the local lasses apply their "Summer’s Eve Ultra Feminine Deodorant Spray":

Wal-Mart screen grab showing industrial applicator for feminine deodorant

According to the blurb, Summer’s Eve contains "a light, fresh fragrance that neutralises odour, rather than covering it up", coupled to "baking soda and corn starch to effectively absorb moisture". It might have added that applying it at 2,600psi ensures long-lasting freshness which is somewhat more than skin-deep. They breed 'em tough in Canada, and no messing. ®


*This has also been said of NZ and Oz but not, we hasten to add, by us. Oh yes, and thanks to Pete McPhedran for the tip-off.

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